Virtual Austria House
For the first time ever, the “Paralympic Report” was carried out as a virtual counterpart to the previous Austria House during the 2021 Paralympics and transformed into a virtual world by means of live streaming. A thirteen-day live broadcast during the Paralympics “TOKYO 2020” from Vienna and Tokyo gave the audience insights into the everyday life of the athletes on site and offered athletes a stage for their achievements and successes.
What was it about?
The Virtual Austria House during the 2021 Paralympics was THE communication platform for sports, athletes, politics, economy, media, fans, family as well as the Paralympic community during the Paralympic Games “TOKYO 2020”.
Every day our athletes are ready to go beyond their own limits to achieve their goals. The Austrian Paralympic Committee also has its goals clearly in mind despite the pandemic. We wanted to make the athletes and their achievements known to a wider public and draw the attention of the population to the Paralympic Games, the third largest sporting event in the world, as well as arouse media interest. The traditional Austria House, which opened its doors to the Paralympic community for the first time at the 2006 Paralympics in Turin, could not physically take place this time due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related measures. For this reason, it was important for us to implement the most basic features of the house and the advertising platform for our sponsors.
Together with our sponsors we faced this challenge and break new ground! The Austria House became a virtual experience with the support of professional live streaming.
For more information and videos on the respective partners and sponsors, please click on the respective logo.
Jetzt ist sie da - die neue Folge des Podcasts PARA:Sport. Folge 15 gibt‘s ab sofort auf Spotify 🎧
Die Hosts Felix Pik und Christina Lechner dürfen sich mit Para-Kletterer Michael Schlegl und Physiotherapeutin Johanna Matausch auf zwei spannende Gäste freuen.
Unser Tipp: jetzt reinhören! 📲
Die paralympischen Aushängeschilder strahlen dank der omnes_werbung-Kampagne an allen gewöhnlichen - und außergewöhnlichen Orten von Billboards.
Habt ihr schon eines entdeckt? Lasst es uns in den Kommentaren wissen 🙏
#ParalympicTeamAustria kürt sich bei der Ironman-WM in Nizza (FRA) zum Weltmeister und ist auf der Langdistanz seit 2011 weiterhin ungeschlagen! 🔥
Die ganze Story gibt‘s auf! 📲
Die Bronze-Strähne hält: gardos_krisztian_tischtennis holt bei der Para-Tischtennis-EM in Sheffield (GBR) abermals die Bronzemedaille 💥
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mendhonsbertl 🔜🇫🇷
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Alle Infos gibts auf! 📲
Er greift nach den Sternen! 🤩
andreasonea ist DER paralympische Vorzeigeathlet schlechthin - und gibt auch auf den Werbesujets der omnes_werbung-Kampagne „DAS IST ALLES. AUSSER GEWÖHNLICH“ eine gute Figur ab 👏